How can I place an order at Namshi ?
Kindly follow the steps below to place an order:
- Account Creation:
- To place an order, ensure you have a Namshi account. Create one by clicking 'Login' at the top right of the website page.
- Login:
- Upon clicking 'Login,' enter your email address.
- Email Verification:
- After entering your email, receive an OTP to verify your email address. Complete the account information.
- Item Selection:
- Choose the item(s) you want by selecting the item, choosing the size, and clicking 'Add to Bag.'
- Checkout:
- Click on the bag icon at the top right of the page and proceed to checkout.
- Address Selection:
- Select your address based on the pin location or opt for the nearest locker. Click 'Confirm Location' and provide address details and phone number.
- Phone Verification:
- Upon entering the address and phone number, the system sends an OTP to verify the phone number.
- Order Summary and Options:
- After verifying your phone number, check the order summary on the right side of the page. Explore available coupons, choose delivery preferences, and opt for next-day delivery for an additional fee if desired
- Payment:
- Select the preferred payment method. For pre-orders, there's an option to leave it at the door.
- Place Order:
- Click 'Place Order' to confirm your purchase.
Kindly note that your order can only be delivered to the country you selected when setting your country flag on the website. For example, if your flag is set to UAE, we can only deliver your order within the UAE.
- Click 'Place Order' to confirm your purchase.